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Give a puzzle, get a puzzle, and watch a speed puzzling demonstration during our Puzzle Swap!
Join us for a Puzzle Swap at the library! Bring in your gently used, complete puzzle sets (please tape all four edges of the box so pieces don’t escape!) and exchange them for a ‘new’ set.
During the swap, enjoy a speed puzzle demonstration by world-ranked speed puzzler, Meredith Yeager! After watching the demonstration, try your hand at speed puzzling with a 100-piece puzzle, or work at your own pace on one of our community puzzles. Sudoku, crossword, and word search puzzles will be available, too.
All adult programs offer ASL interpretation provided by request. Call 330-928-2117 ext. 2000 or email Please contact the library at least two weeks in advance.
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Cuyahoga Falls Library connects people with the world of ideas, information, and imagination. Serving the community since 1912.